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Bang & Olufsen x Sustainability

ESG metrics & policies

Our logo has been a quality guarantee since the company was established in 1925. This is not only in relation to delivering products of high quality to the customers, but also in relation to driving a responsible business.

Sustainability reports

Bang & Olufsen’s statement for Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in accordance with the Financials Statements Act §99a can be read here:

Sustainability Report 2023/24

Sustainability Report 2022/23 Sustainability Report 2021/22

Sustainability Report 2020/21

Sustainability Report 2019/2020

Sustainability Report 2018/19

Sustainability Report 2017/18

Sustainability Report 2016/17

Sustainability Report 2015/16

Sustainability Report 2014/15

Sustainability Report 2013/14

Sustainability Report 2012/13

Sustainability Report 2011/12

Slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Bang & Olufsen’s statement for Slavery and Human Trafficking in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 can be read here:

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2021

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2020

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2019

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2018

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2017

Slavery and Human Trafficking statement 2016

Supplier code of conduct

We are committed to a framework of principles and policies which includes respect for universally recognized standards for the environment, human rights, labour, anti-corruption and the 10 principles of UN Global Compact. Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier facts

Supplier Facts

Supplier: Top 10 List

Stakeholder CSR and sustainability policy

Stakeholder CSR and Sustainability Policy 2021

ESG Factbook
ESG Factbook

ESG & Sustainability Data Accounting Principles  ESG & Sustainability Data Accounting Principles 
GRI Content Index
GRI Content Index 2023/2024
GRI Content Index 2022/23
GRI Content Index 2021/22